Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Visit to Tanzania by GAPA granny and staff.

In November three people from GAPA visited their sister organisation in Kibaha, outside Dar es Salaam. Twelve months ago the GAPA model of support was explained to grandmothers and representatives from KICODET, an NGO in Tanzania. After one week of workshops and visits to villages the GAPA reps participated in the formation of nine grandmother groups. On our return visit in 2009 we discovered that 24 groups had been formed. The groups are all active in AIDS education, psychosocial support and income generating projects. The self esteem, general well being and mood of the grandmothers has done a complete turnabout. The grandmothers have taken up their rightful place once again as leaders of their communities.

The Tanzanian team is hard pressed financially to spread the model to the many many grandmothers that have heard of the "new ways and ideas" and that want to form their own groups and have access to education about coping with HIV/AIDS.
