Saturday, September 5, 2009

August at GAPA

GAPA has been very busy in August. The month started off with a visit to Cedar House, a school in Kenilworth, CapeTown. The occasion was the celebration of the end of a year long involvement between the learners and grandmothers at GAPA. As part of their community intervention programme the learners visited GAPA several times in the year They swapped skills with the grandmothers and both age groups benefitted greatly from the meetings. The party was enjoyed by all and the grandmothers came back to GAPA with a video that the learners had made of their time at GAPA.
Community Outreach programme by the SRC of Cape Peninsular University of Technology.
(Bellville campus) On Sat 29th August 135 children from the Aftercare at GAPA and 14 grandmothers were treated to a day of fun at the campus of CPUT. There were jumping castles, slides, clowns, face painting, games and food aplenty.
All children were given a bright blue T-shirt which said "we are members of the community before we are students"
Learners and grandmothers at the party.

August at GAPA

August has been a very busy and exciting month for the grandmothers at GAPA. On Monday the 17th a large group of grandmothers were invited to a party at Cedar House in Kenilworth, Cape Town. The event was the culmination of a year's involvement of the learners of this school with the grandmothers at GAPA. The learners visited GAPA several times throughout the year to share skills with grandmothers as part of their community involvement curriculum. Every time the learners came there was a lot of fun games, eating and exchange of information. At the party at Cedar House the learners presented the grandmothers with a video that they had made on their visits. A great time was had by all.