The week of 25- 29 August was full of vibe!
Grandmothers from all over Khayelitsha gathered for our monthly workshops and Indaba. This is an opportunity for GAPA grandmothers to invite friends and neighbours to learn the skills and participate in discussions
On 25 August the Nutrition Workshops continued with the UCT students- this was the day for making posters of the different food groups, as pictured in the last post.
On the 26 August the voices of grandmothers from near and far welcomed the opening of the workshops with much singing and dancing
Gardening workshop
26 August Mr Moceia gave an experiential gardening workshop in the GAPA vegetable garden.
Step 1: Line the prepared hole with cardboard to prevent water loss. The hole is the size of a door and about 1m deep.
Mrs Madzinga assists Mr Moceia as a co-facilitator
Step 2: Break pieces of cardboard into hole and then fill with compost from heap.
Step 3: Filling with soil. Grandmothers took turns to shovel and the hole was filled in no time
Watching an asking questions
Step 4: Mr Moceia measures where the rows should be planted
Step 5: Planting beetroot seedlings and cabbage & carrot seeds
Finishing off with some water
Human Rights
Mrs Sohena gave a workshop covering topics such as the different types of elderly abuse
UCT students continued workshoping on what a balanced meal included
Parenting skills
Mrs Hoza spoke about the prevalence of pregnancy amongst the youth and the types of support they should receive. She also covered some of ways in which parents can communicate with babies aged 1-3 years.
27 August the workshops continued...
Vivienne ran a whole day workshop covering topics such as: Basic awareness, Myths and Facts, Care and Support and How it affects me.
The workshop started with gentle exercise which the Grandmothers thoroughly enjoyed - this one is called 'coconut' in which one spells out the work with your arms.
The UCT students Incorporated their workshop on nutritional needs for people with HIV/AIDS under the care and support component.
28 August...
Business skills
Mrs Hoza covered the 7 P's with the participants. This included discussions about: Profit, Price, Production, Place, People etc.
Mrs Mdaka held discussions about Death and Dying, including topics such as coping skills and preparing for the death of a loved one. The workshop closed with presentation of some of the places people can go to for care and support.
29 August...
This is a large gathering of all grandmothers and guests. It is held every month on the last Friday and creates an opportunity for meeting and listening to a guest speaker.
Every month a Grandmother volunteers to find a guest speaker for the event. This month Mrs Nduku invited the Khayelitsha Talent Exchange. This forms part of the
Community Exchange System. The speakers started with a skit explaining the principles behind the organisation and later divided the grandmothers into four groups to discuss the system. Grandmothers asked many questions ranging from..."what do I do with the extra materials from building my house?" to "how does the talent exchange help me to build another room onto my small shack?" The grandmothers left wondering how they would like to use this system and no formal decision was made. GAPA has not formed a partnership with this organisation but rather leave it to the Grannies to make their own informed decisions.
The Indaba ended with a delicious lunch served by the Grandmothers working in the kitchen
What happening in the Afterschool care?
This week we put our workshops on hold and did some in-action learning. Althea spent one lesson a day with different teachers. The teachers choose which type of lesson/class they wanted to have her sit in on. Following this we would have a reflection workshop.
The afterschool cares for children from Grade R to Grade 8 (5yrs old to 16 yrs) with about 93 children attending daily. Vulnerable children are referred here by teachers at GAPA's neighbouring school.
On Monday Mrs Ngewu held a free-play class for the Grade R - Grade 2 children. During this session we provided the children with toys and dress up materials and observed the different types of play the children engaged in.
As afterschool caregivers we have identified play as the main occupation through which children learn and develop. We have incorporated these opportunities to play within our programme
Dramatic play inacting social roles and fairy tales (Takata's Play Epoch, 1974, Parham, 2008)
Pretending to be a construction worker with a jack-hammer
Tuesday Mrs Mangxilana held an exercise group. The boys aged 8-12 all love soccer. The session started with some warm-ups, some balls skills, some agility training and finally a soccer match
For this age group soccer is not only enjoyable but it provides an opportunity to learn cooperative play, practising sports skills and learning to master and make rules in a group